Representing Fire Victims Throughout California
Selecting a firm to represent you will be your single most important decision. There is a reason why Casey Gerry has been successfully representing individuals for over 75 years. There is also a reason why we are one of the most successful personal injury firms in the state of California. That reason is we put our clients
first and work to make sure that each individual client has the best recovery possible. We have been successful in obtaining numerous million dollar results on behalf of fire victims in fires throughout California. We have extensive experience in analyzing insurance policies and understanding the interaction between your recoveries under your policy and your rights against those who created the fire that harmed you. In our 75 year history, we have taken on the most powerful interests successfully on behalf of individual clients.
California’s Top Fire Litigation Firms
CaseyGerry has been in existence since 1947 and represented tens of thousands of individuals successfully. It has successfully litigated against utilities, Exxon, U.S. Tobacco, Volkswagen, and virtually every major defendant in the United States. Having been in business for three quarters of a century, we are well-known by the defense and have been successful in recovering over 25 billion dollars.